N15 해커톤은 다앙한 분야의 참여자들이 팀을 이뤄 단기간 내에 창의적인 아이디어로 상품을 제작하고 비즈니스 모델 등을 만들며 직접 판매까지 경험하는 초단기 혁신 프로젝트입니다.

*해커톤은 해킹(Hacking)과 마라톤(Marathon)의 합성어입니다.

N15 Hackathon is a team of participants from various fields to create creative ideas within a short period of time. It is an ultra-short-term innovation project that produces products, creates business models, and even experiences direct sales.
*Hackathon is a compound word of hacking and marathon.


N15 해커톤은 비즈니스 과제를 함께 고민하고 해결책을 찾으면서 개인과 팀의 역량을 빠르게 성장시킵니다.

N15 Hackathon rapidly grows the capabilities of individuals and teams by thinking about business tasks together and finding solutions.


N15 해커톤은 개인의 아이디어 발표 후 투표로 리더를 선정합니다. 선정된 리더는 직접 팀원을 선발하여 팀을 구성합니다. 구성된 팀은 혁신적인 제품과 서비스를 아주 빠르게 개발 합니다.

N15 Hackathon selects leaders by voting after presenting individual ideas. Directly and give the team leaders selected a team. A team is developing innovative products and services quickly.


N15 해커톤은 장소의 제약없이 어디서나 참여할 수 있습니다. 온ㆍ오프라인을 넘나드는 해커톤을 직접 경험해보세요. 온라인 해커톤은 가상의 공간, 메타버스에서 참가자들이 만나 아이데이션, 팀빌팅, 데모데이 등 팀별 프로젝트를 진행합니다. 오프라인 해커톤은 N15의 메이커스페이스에서 멘토링, 컨설팅 뿐만 아니라 상품을 직접 제작합니다.

N15 Hackathon can participate anywhere without restrictions of location. Experience hackathon online and offline for yourself. Online Hackathon meets participants in virtual spaces and metabuses to carry out team-specific projects such as ID, team building, and demo day. Offline Hackathon produces products as well as mentoring and consulting at the N15 Makerspace.


해커톤의 목적과 기대효과에 따른 서비스를 선택하여 맞춤형 해커톤 프로그램을 구성할 수 있습니다.

Customized hackathon programs can be organized by selecting services based on hackathon's purpose and expected effects.

Idea Generation  ㅣ  Idea to Maker  ㅣ  Idea to Market




POST CORONA: 극도로 한정된 세계 해커톤

메르세데스 벤츠

커넥티드카 스타트업 해커톤


미래 전기자동차 제작 해커톤


성함, 연락처, 소속, 문의사항을 메일로 보내주시면 담당자가 배정되어 연락을 드립니다.

Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else?

각 분야의 전문가들과 체계적인 관리를
통하여 새로운 가치를 창출해보세요.

Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else?


CEO: 류선종
사업자등록번호 : 726-87-00025

서울특별시 성동구 서울숲2길 11-16




CEO: 류선종
사업자등록번호 : 726-87-00025


서울특별시 성동구 서울숲2길 11-16