N15은 중소벤처기업부 등록 액셀러레이터로 유망 스타트업을 발굴 · 육성 · 투자하는 대한민국 대표 액셀러레이터입니다. 축적된 스타트업 육성 노하우와 특화된 역량을 기반으로 고객의 니즈에 적합한 서비스를 맞춤 제공하여 새로운 비즈니스를 구현하고 기업의 혁신 및 성장을 가속화합니다. 

N15 is a leading accelerator in Korea specialized in sourcing, accelerating and investing in startups, that is a certified accelerator registered in Korean Government Dept, Ministry of SMEs and Startups. We create new businesses and accelerate them through innovation by providing the fittest services to clients based on plenty of experiences and specialized capabilities. 


N15은 다양한 파트너들과 함께 스타트업을 발굴하고 있으며, 액셀러레이팅 프로그램에는 보육기업의 성장을 위한 N15의 제조 R&D 및 유통, 해외 진출 등의 실질적인 리소스를 지원하고 있습니다. 프로그램 내 집중 기간이 끝난 후에도 개별 스타트업의 진행 속도에 맞춘 지속적인 지원을 제공하며, 데모데이 이후에도 N15 자체 네트워크를 통해 각 스타트업에 맞는 후속 투자자 매칭 및 사업지원을 하고 있습니다.

N15 is recruiting startups with various partner companies, and the accelerating program supports practical resources such as R&D & Production, distribution, and overseas expansion of N15 for the growth of care companies. After that, we provide continuous supports tailored to the pace of each startup even after the nurturing period is over. Finally, after the demo day, N15 uses its own networks to match follow-up investors and support businesses for each startup.


오픈이노베이션 프로그램은 기술 혁신을 둘러싼 모든 과정에서 외부의 기술이나 지식, 아이디어를 적극적으로 활용합니다. N15은 국내외 혁신 스타트업 발굴 및 연계, Proof of Concept(PoC) 과정을 거쳐 30개 이상의 국내외 대기업 대상 혁신의 가능성과 속도를 높여왔습니다.

The open innovation program actively utilizes external technologies, knowledge, and ideas in all processes surrounding technological innovation. N15 has been discovering and linking domestic and foreign innovative startups and speeding up innovation possibilities and speed for more than 30 domestic and foreign conglomerates through the Proof of Concept (PoC) process.


사내벤처 프로그램은 사업 다각화, 신제품과 신규개발의 효율화, 신사업 활성화를 위한 여건 조성, 우수인력의 유출방지, 창의적 조직문화 형성을 통한 잠재능력의 배양, 급격한 경영 환경변화 하에서의 기업 분사 및 조직 유연성 확보 등을 목적으로 운영합니다.

The in-house venture program has created conditions for business diversification, the efficiency of new products and new development, and the revitalization of new businesses. In addition, it is operated with the aim of preventing information leakage of excellent human resources, cultivating potential capabilities through the formation of creative organizational culture, and securing corporate spin-off and organizational flexibility in rapid business environment changes.


N15은 다년간 축적해 온 전문성과 노하우를 기반으로 고객사들의 고민을 수렴하고 분석하여 정형화된 방법을 벗어난 창의적인 접근법과 기획력을 중심으로 최적의 솔루션을 찾아갑니다.

N15 analyzes and accesses clients problems with accumulated know-how and specialized expertise. Then we find new solutions to the problems built on creative approaches and out-of-box thinking.


N15은 공공기관 및 상장사와 함께 특정 분야 투자를 목적으로 하는 전용 투자조합을 결성하여 유망 스타트업에 선제적 투자를 집행하고 있습니다. 또한 N15이 운영하고 있는 오픈이노베이션 프로그램 및 액셀러레이팅 서비스를 연계하여 팀의 성장을 돕고 기업가치를 올리며 안정적 회수가 이뤄지도록 운용/관리합니다.

N15 has invested in promising startups with angel/venture funds with various partners consisting of Governmental Institutions and listed companies. And N15 facilitate and monetize the fund successfully with the value-up strategy that links investee companies with accelerating and open innovation services.






성함, 연락처, 소속, 문의사항을 메일로 보내주시면 담당자가 배정되어 연락을 드립니다.

Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else?

각 분야의 전문가들과 체계적인 관리를
통하여 새로운 가치를 창출해보세요.

Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else? Need to ask us something else?


CEO: 류선종
사업자등록번호 : 726-87-00025

서울특별시 성동구 서울숲2길 11-16




CEO: 류선종
사업자등록번호 : 726-87-00025


서울특별시 성동구 서울숲2길 11-16